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I like homework. It fascinates me. I can stare at it for hours.

Submitted by rose8 at 04-21-2008
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Hear my cry

Mom! Dad! Hear my cry! I'm at school and about to die!

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Name of Subject/Class

As long as there are (Name of Subject/Class) tests, there will be prayer in school.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Now I lay

Now I lay me down to rest. A stack of books upon my chest. If I should die before I wake. That's one less test I have to take.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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School is out

School is out and so am I.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Math and alcohol

Math and alcohol don't mix. Please don't drink and derive.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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A decent pen: $2.99 Package of lined paper: $0.99 Knowing you have homework and "forgeting" about it: Priceless

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Billie Joe Armstrong

School is practice for the future, and practice makes perfect. Nobody's perfect...so why practice?!? -Billie Joe Armstrong

Submitted by buddy at 02-28-2008
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Hi ho, hi ho

Hi ho, hi ho...its off to school we go! We hear the bell and we run like hell, hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho...hi ho, it's off to school we go! We learn some junk and then we flunk, hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho

Submitted by buddy at 02-28-2008
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MoNdAy...is take it easy day TuEsDaY...is call a friend day WeDnEsDaY...is wear that sexi dress day ThUrSdAy...is paint ur nails day FriDaY...is put on ur hottest pair of heels day SaTuRdAy...is make out wit tha sexi guy at tha movies day SuNdAy...is recover from ur busy week day .

Submitted by buddy at 02-20-2008
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Education is what

Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.

Submitted by buddy at 12-05-2007
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Didn't assign homework

If school didn't assign homework, I'd be here talking to you...but they do, so I'm not!

Submitted by buddy at 12-05-2007
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To steal ideas from one person

To steal ideas from one person, would be plagiarism, to steal ideas from many is called research.

Submitted by buddy at 12-05-2007
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A decent pen: $2.99

A decent pen: $2.99 Package of lined paper: $0.99 Knowing you have homework and "forgeting" about it: Priceless

Submitted by buddy at 12-05-2007
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ABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ If you're wondering where the P is, you obviously didn't read hard enough, stupid. JK!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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If you were my class

If you were my class, I would be ignoring you like my girlfriend right now.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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When I was 6 years old

When I was 6 years old I learned how to do homework. There's no end to that story, I just really hate doing homework.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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If writing a paper

If writing a paper was as easy as riding a bike, oh man I would be really screwed. THANKS FOR NOTHING DAD!

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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Im working. HOME WORKING! Oh man Im not funny.

Submitted by buddy at 12-04-2007
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