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Category: Silly

Away message Wait

Submitted by Beautyunseen84 at 06-28-2007
If I'm not back in 15 than wait longer!

Use it!


Random Away Messages

Singing Badly
Sorry can't talk, doing something really important. *singing badly 'I chime in, haven't you people ever heard of closing...*
from Silly
  Silly IHop
I didn't know there was a funnel cake festival down at IHop! I'm going to that? Hey, do you know where the nearest IHop is?
from Silly
  Silly Supernatural
I hope your apple pie is freaking worth it!
from Silly
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AOL instant messenger, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo messengers support this feature. Away messages let you express yourself. Tokens can be used to upgrade to new Status and apply for Moderator status. If you have your own away messages and would like to let people know about it, please join us and submit it.

You'll get virtual tokens for every approved away message. Put a custom away message in Instant messanger profile.

Random Icons

10000 Maniacs Icon 14
10000 Maniacs Icon 14
from 10000 Maniacs Buddy Icons
Hypnosis Buddy Icon 3
Hypnosis Buddy Icon 3
from Other Buddy Icons
Soccer 4
Soccer 4
from Football Buddy Icons
Audi allroad 3
Audi allroad 3
from Audi Buddy Icons

Random Smileys

Heart smiley 8
Heart smiley 8
from Love
Eat smiley 3
Eat smiley 3
from Food
Popo smiley 52
Popo smiley 52
from Emotions
With Love Smiley 13
With Love Smiley 13
from Love

Random Avatars

Flamingo Christmas Avatar 3
Flamingo Christmas Avatar 3
from New Year And Christmas
Santa Avatar 6
Santa Avatar 6
from New Year And Christmas

Random Programs

Enhanced AIM Sounds for AIM6 and Above
from Aim

AIM Password Cracker [v1.1]
from Aim

Away Factor
from Aim

BiLLys AIM Icon Pack
from Aim


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You can use these icons in forums, different websites, MySpace.com, Xanga.com or any other places in internet. Are you fond of Yahoo emotions? Yahoo emoticons and smileys can be downloaded or used on websites. You can express yourself with our custom buddy icons. Upload your own icons and smileys, communicate with other members on Buddy-Icons.info, post comments and rate the best icons and smiles.


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