Yahoo Emoticons and Smiles
First smileys or emoticons were invented by Harvey Ball, a freelance artist. It was a simple yellow circle with a smile and 2 dots instead of eyes.
The very basic emoticons which can be easily written using standart ASCII characters :-) and :-( were created by Scott Fahlman. He is not an artist, but a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University.
His idea was to use these smiles to distinguish jokes from important messages.
Nowadays emoticons are widely used in instant messengers. Text emoticons are automatically replaced by smiley images in Yahoo ! Messenger
We've collected a lot of smiles for Yahoo! Messenger.
You can use these yahoo smiles and emoticons on websites and forums.
Click on smiley image to download emoticon or to use smiley in your posts:
See more Smileys and Emoticons
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