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College from category College

College - A place where some pursue learning and others learn pursuing; An institution where you learn how to use punctuation marks, but not what to put between.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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God help us all from category College

It has commenced...finals week is upon us in full force, seizing what sanity I have left after a menacing term. The thought of a pure, utopian society has faded while (name of your school) has captured the last breath of any rational existence and conquered our self-worth. In coming days it is likely to see a plethora of unpleasant faces staring into an oblivion that can only be experienced by the (name of your school) society. The underlying prolifigacy in which this institution so loves to put forth has taken a toll on our already feeble carcasses, in result of consuming repulsive dining hall rations. The possibility of survival is a distant notion...God help us all...

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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I return from class from category College

I am sleeping right now, so when I return from class I'll get back to you.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Between childhood and marriage from category College

College: A place to stay warm in between childhood and marriage.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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School is out from category School

School is out and so am I.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Now I lay from category School

Now I lay me down to rest. A stack of books upon my chest. If I should die before I wake. That's one less test I have to take.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Name of Subject/Class from category School

As long as there are (Name of Subject/Class) tests, there will be prayer in school.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Are you smart? from category College

Are you smart? Then call me and I'll let you do my homework.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Hear my cry from category School

Mom! Dad! Hear my cry! I'm at school and about to die!

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Nothing is sure from category Other

A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Wisdom has two parts from category Thinkers

Wisdom has two parts: 1. Having a lot to say, and 2. Not saying it.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Life is too short from category Thinkers

Life is too short to just sit around on the computer all day, so what are you doing on the computer?

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Some are sharp from category Thinkers

We could all take a lesson from crayons: Some are sharp, some are beautiful, some have weird names, all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Life is like an ice from category Thinkers

Life is like an ice cream enjoy it before it melts.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Everyone has to be something from category Thinkers

Everyone has to be something to somebody to be anybody, anybody that tries to be everything to everybody is nothing to anybody.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Life is like a coin from category Thinkers

Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want but you can only spend it once.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Everyday is a good day from category Thinkers

Everyday is a good day, some are just better than others.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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When life starts out from category Thinkers

When life starts out it's like a blank canvas, but as you live your life it is given many new colorful experiences and relationships so by the time you die the canvas is a beautifully colored masterpiece.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Learn-Live-Prepare from category Tips

Learn from your past. Live in the present. Prepare for the future.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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Life is not like a pencil from category Thinkers

Life is not like a pencil, if you make a mistake, it can't be erased. Life is more like a pen, you can use white out to cover it up, but you'll always be reminded of the spot where you made a mistake.

Submitted by buddy at 04-02-2008
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